In today’s complex and intertwined society, how can we balance our body and mind, improve our quality of life, and lead a better life? As an interior designer, I want to explore this grand theme from the perspective of our living spaces, specifically interior spaces.
Customised Interior Design for Well-being
As interior designers, we respond to our clients’ requests daily, finding and customising designs that best suit their desires, goals, and purposes. We aim to create spaces that enhance productivity and functionality while offering artistic beauty. Our mission is to elevate the potential of the space, draw out the user’s latent abilities, and create environments where people can live happier, healthier, and richer lives. We are not just space experts; we are life coordinators.
The Structure of Spaces and Human Bodies

Just as the human body has a basic structure, so do spaces. For instance, the human body has bones, organs, and muscles, with a network of blood vessels and lymphatic systems, all covered by the skin. Similarly, a space has a foundation and pillars, equipped with electrical and plumbing systems, all enclosed by walls. Within this, there are lighting, ventilation, kitchens, and bathrooms.
Health and Quality of Life Through Interior Design
Eating healthy food, drinking clean water, breathing in fresh oxygen, and exercising keep both body and mind healthy. Likewise, spending time in a space that aligns with your biomechanical needs can significantly enhance your quality of life. For example, by identifying stress sources, eliminating toxins, and ensuring a flow of fresh air, a space becomes healthy. Consequently, the body becomes healthy too. This mutual influence indicates that your space is as alive as you are, and in other words, your space is a reflection of yourself.
Customising Spaces for Individual Needs
Next, to create a space tailored to individual needs, customisation is necessary. Just like choosing clothes, styling hair, or dieting, a space can be adjusted to suit personal preferences. This customisation allows for the creation of a unique and comfortable environment.
What Defines a Comfortable Interior?
So, what defines a comfortable interior? For example:
- A space that promotes good wakefulness
- A space that energises
- An organised space
- A space where delicious meals can be prepared
- A space with minimal stress points
- A space conducive to work and tasks
- A space that evokes happiness
- A calming space
- A space that frees you from trauma and negative thoughts, encouraging positivity
- A space that provides quality sleep
These are the characteristics of an ideal living space. But how can we achieve this? Simply buying stylish sofas, changing wall colours, or updating cushion covers may bring temporary happiness. However, without changing the essence, the true functionality of the space cannot be realised.
The Living Nature of Spaces
Spaces, like us, are alive and constantly changing. A well-maintained space thrives, while a neglected space deteriorates.
Understanding Yourself to Create Your Ideal Space
The first step towards creating such an ideal space is to listen to your body and mind and understand yourself. For example, consider your favourite colours, shapes, music, movies, books, foods, hobbies, favourite subjects, areas of interest, work, strong beliefs, relationships with others, influences from childhood, and inherited traits from previous generations.
Simultaneously, list the things you cannot accept, elements that cause discomfort or aversion, sources of anxiety, and items that trigger allergic reactions. This process will help you see what makes your space truly yours and why.
Visualising the Invisible Landscape
Then, based on these discoveries, visualise the invisible landscape. Combine the visible and invisible worlds to create a space where you can live healthier, stronger, and more balanced.

To be continued.
- 目覚めの良い空間
- 元気が出る空間
- ストレスポイントが少ない空間
- 作業や仕事がはかどる空間
- 料理がおいしい空間
- 幸せを感じる空間
- 落ち着く空間
- トラウマやネガティブな思考から解放され、前向きになれる空間
- 良質な睡眠を得られる空間などなど、
